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  • Writer's pictureKate Buchan

Why you should provide training for your employees

Training and development improves business performance by providing people with the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for them to achieve the business objectives set for them.

Once you know your objectives, you can focus on the particular business performance change that needs to happen, and then what needs to be done and funded to make it happen.

By linking training and development to your business goals from the Board or Senior Execs, you have a more robust case for getting funding and support for your training agenda.

The same can be said of customer service, telephone handling and then down the line to

management performance.

In a world where the only main differentiator between products and services is the people providing them, you MUST ensure your team are better trained than your competitors.

  1. Employee Motivation Studies by the CIPD have shown that over 60% of employees would opt to stay with an employer that invests in their professional development, rather than leave and go to an employer that pays more but does not invest in training.

  2. Lower Recruitment Costs Training results in higher staff retention, and so saves the organisation cash in recruitment costs. Employees who are trained perform better, have less time off work, are less stressed, make fewer mistakes, are more motivated and happier. These factors together save the organisation thousands and even millions, dependant on the size of the company. There is also the legal aspect. If employees are not trained and suffer an illness, accident or stress, the organisation may be looking at an HSE fine and also civil court action. Training saves money!

  3. Company Credibility The only thing worse than training your staff and having them leave, is not training them and having them stay. If you think training is expensive, try ignorance!

  4. Entrenching Business Objectives All training should be linked to business goals and objectives. Any training and development offered must focus on specific business outcomes otherwise the effort is wasted.

  5. Competitor Advantage: If your competitor provides their team with training. The simple fact is you lose the business, no matter how good your product and services are.

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